Prof. Dr. Nur Fadli, S.Pi, M.Sc
Principal Investigator
Biodiversity is essential for the healthy functioning of ecosystems and provides a range of ecosystem services that are crucial for human well-being. Fish Biodiversity research group investigates the diversity of fish species, their genetic variations, and the ecosystems they inhabit. The research that has been carried out includes DNA barcoding studies that identify several species of commercially important fish and shrimp in Aceh. Other studies have also examined the genetic variation of several important commercial fish species in several Aceh populations and their connectivity with populations outside Aceh waters. Other biodiversity studies are also related to the connectivity of pelagic fish such as sharks, tuna and skipjack that land on fish landing sites with populations around Aceh waters such as the waters of the Indian Ocean, South China Sea, Pacific Ocean and others through genetic data banks. This fishery connectivity can map biodiversity and find out basic studies regarding the conservation status and composition of fisheries in Aceh’s territorial waters. Genetic and morphometric data obtained can be one of the initial steps for sustainable fisheries management in Aceh waters.
The focus of our research including:
- DNA Barcoding commercially important fish in Aceh
- DNA Barcoding freshwater Fish dan shrimp in Aceh
- Genetic Variation fish species on several populations in Aceh and its connectivity with the world population.
- Population genetic commercially important fish in Aceh
- Morphometric variation commercially important fish in Aceh
- DNA Barcoding of grouper In Aceh
- DNA Barconding of snapper in Aceh
- DNA Barcoding of shark and ray in Aceh
- DNA Barcoding of Freshwater fish in Aceh Tengah
- Genetic variation of several grouper species in north coast Aceh
- Genetic variation of several snapper species in north coast Aceh
- DNA Barcoding of penaeid shrimp in west and north coast Aceh
- Genetic variation of tuna and Skipjack in Aceh
Selected Publications:
- Nur Fadli, Siti Azizah Mohd Nor, Ahmad Sofiman Othman, Hizir Sofyan, Zainal A Muchlisin,
- DNA barcoding of commercially important groupers (Epinephelidae) in Aceh, Indonesia, Nur Fadli, Zainal A Muchlisin, Mohd N Siti-Azizah,
- Elucidating species diversity of genus Betta from Aceh waters Indonesia using morphometric and genetic data, Firman M Nur, Agung S Batubara, Nur Fadli, Syamsul Rizal, Mohd N Siti-Azizah, Zainal A Muchlisin,
- Morphometric and genetic variations of four dominant species of snappers (Lutjanidae) harvested from the Northern Coast of Aceh waters, Indonesia, Sri Riska Rahayu, Zainal A Muchlisin, Nur Fadli, Nanda Muhammad Razi, Mutia Ramadhaniaty, Luvi Syafrida Handayani, Siti Maulida, Firman M Nur, Nurlaili Nurlaili, Moh N Siti-Azizah,
- Biodiversity of commercially important groupers (Epinephelidae) in Aceh, Indonesia: A checklist, N Fadli, A Damora, ZA Muchlisin, I Dewiyanti, M Ramadhaniaty, FM Nur, AS Batubara, NM Razi, ED Macusi, MN Siti-Azizah,
Our Team
Adrian Damora, S.Pi., M.Si
Research Fellow
Mutia Ramadhaniaty, S.Kel., M.Si
Research Fellow
Chitra Octavina, S.Kel., M.Si
Research Fellow
Adillah Umamah, S.Kel
Ananda Novita Siregar, S.Kel
M Ridho Fauzi, S.Pi
Master Student